

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Miesville Grinder Update #3

Well, some good news and some updates.
First, the good news.  King's Place in Miesville will be running a burger special after the race, so let's meet there for highlights, lowlights, war stories and replenishing electrolytes and proteins.
We're still working on restrooms, we may get the ones at the ball field opened up.

And the real update:
I did a recon on the course this morning, and *most* of it is in great shape.  There are two significant issues on the course, either or both may be resolved before we get to race day.
Both issues are a result of spring runoff, so a lot will depend on having warm temps over the next week to melt out the creeks so they can actually carry the water that's melting in the fields above them.  Also, the 'B'-road section is still covered with about a foot of snow!  This 1/2 mile would not be a show stopper if the water at the bottom of the course becomes safely passable.

Bottom line, keep your eyes on the web page and this blog for updates.  I'll also post to TC Gravel on Facebook, and email to the registered riders who gave me an email address.

Someone asked me the other day if there was a beneficiary for this ride - under the idea that every event should (at least in their mind) have a charitable side.  While it's a nice idea, I don't know that it's an essential element.  BUT.  Because someone asked, I will put a bucket out for contributions. The non-profit recipient for this will be the Rice Creek Boat Club (a youth canoe and kayak racing program that gets kids off their backsides and into something they might not otherwise even know exists).  RCBC is a 501(c)3 organization, and I can tell you that 100% of any contributions will go directly to offset expenses of travelling to away races.  Right now, I'd like to raise $1000 to take a group to US Team Trials the end of April.  If you can help, look for the bucket.  If your turning 13 year old kid wants to try paddling this summer, look me up!


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